“高德车服”是高德地图旗下一站式出行车生活服务聚合平台。高德地图作为中国领先的数字地图内容、导航和位置服务解决方案提供商,致力于打造以用户为核心的“出门好生活开放服务平台”。高德车服基于地图导航、技术服务、平台流量等核心能力,为广大新能源车主提供一站式充电服务,乐鱼智充与高德车服的合作,将进一步提升新能源汽车的补能效率,推动新能源汽车充电网络的开放共享,全面改善车主的充电体验。车主们在高德地图中搜索“乐鱼智充”,轻松get满满电量,为您的旅程加油助力。 随着电动汽车市场的进一步扩张和技术的不断进步,充电桩的需求将持续增长。乐鱼新能源也将在充电桩建设上投入更多的资源和精力,以满足日益增长的充电需求。我们有理由相信,在不久的将来,电动汽车将像今天的燃油车一样普及,而充电桩也将像加油站一样随处可见。 展望未来,让我们与高德地图携手迎接“电动出行时代”的真正到来!
The automobile industry faces an important period of development opportunities
Since the beginning of this year, the automobile market has continued to perform well. At this···
China Automobile Synergy Zongqi: Charging infrastructure should show differentiated development
The 2023 China Automobile Charging and Swapping Ecosystem Conference was held in Hangzhou. Ton···
Xinjiang charging pile access monitoring module creates information security
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Zhejiang Development and Reform Commission: Standardizing electricity prices for electric vehicle charging and swapping facilities is expected to drop by 10%-15%
Recently, the Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Market Superv···
Shenxing superchargeable battery wins award, new choice for 750 million European consumers
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Super fast charging “makes charging as fast as refueling”
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